Layer Update (July ‘24) - Start your journey into FLUX 🚀

Layer Update (July ‘24) - Start your journey into FLUX 🚀

Put down the sunscreen and pick up your computer - Layer is coming at you with some hot summer updates.

This month is a big one, with the addition of the FLUX.1 model + major feature improvements around asset customization, data security, and copyright compliant generation. We also made significant updates to the overall platform, adding more flexibility to our Forge, as well as QoL improvements to organizations, accounts, and the asset library.

To help bring it all together the Layer team’s also release guides on bringing artist-first AI into your workflows, creating professional game characters, and even a full workspace overview tutorial

The creative waters are warm - so let’s jump in.

Platform Updates ⚙️

Improvements and changes to the Layer platform. 


  • Create the future with the new FLUX 1.0 Model: It’s time to take your gen-AI summer journey to the next level. No need for any Discord bots or sign-ups - FLUX is ready to use inside Layer for all users.
  • Build the perfect asset with our poser: Need to get that character pose just right? We got you covered with a revamped poser that maintains asset quality + a library of top performing poses in ad creatives (Loom video)
  • New easy and intuitive Upscaling: Visualize enhancements with 4 different methods including ‘creative’ options, allowing you to see before and after comparisons.  (Loom Video)
  • Unrivaled SCIM Support for Enterprise: Creating assets is cool… but not as cool as seamlessly managing user identities across domains. Layer now supports SCIM, providing streamlined user management and integration capabilities for large organizations. 
  • True copyright compliance with BRIA 2.3: For copyright compliant generation, we’ve upgraded our BRIA model, which brings support for reference types. This ensures smoother generations + better workflow integration. If you’re interested in exploring BRIA just let us know.


  • Forge Enhancements. Our Forge tool has received significant upgrades - allowing you to generate new assets quickly, with more flexibility for artists.
    • Quickly open previews by simply pressing the spacebar, making the process faster and more efficient.
    • Drag and drop images directly into the Forge box for a seamless workflow.
    • Upscale assets on the fly + before and after comparisons.
  • Workspace Enhancements. These updates help with organizing your organization, account, and asset library.
    • Elements in the Workspace dropdown are now better organized for easier access.
    • Navigate more efficiently by clicking on workspace avatars.
    • Layer drive will now remember the last folder location you accessed, saving you time when you return.

The latest from #TeamLayer 📰

News, updates, and changes to the Layer team. Basically, everything that doesn’t involve lines of code.

Latest Case Study: How Lokum Games reloaded their art pipeline with Layer

Learn how this mobile games studio leveraged Layer to create a professional AI-powered art pipeline for their newest shooter, Tactical Strike - saving upwards of 2800 hours in production time.

Artist Guide: From concept to creation with professional game characters

Characters are usually the first thing to be defined, since they drive so much of the game’s mechanics and storytelling. This guide dives into how you can enhance that early process with Layer.

Newest Layer Tutorial: Workspace Overview

Discover how to streamline your creative workflow with our intuitive tools and features. In this tutorial video, Michael @ Layer takes you through the basics of the artist workspace inside the Layer app.

Looking Ahead 🔮

The future is bright and filled with updates. While the games industry is challenging right now, we’re committed to making things easier for artists and developers across the globe. With the addition of FLUX 1.0, we’re ready to support the latest technology so our artists always have the best tools at their fingertips. Stay tuned as we continue to roll out more updates, guides, and improvements for FLUX over the next month.

We know it’s not just about the model though, artists need to be able to create, refine, and upscale - all in one workflow. Expect some big updates next month as we bring all the functionality you need under one umbrella - because nobody likes jumping between tools.

See you soon.
